Sparta Candle Consultant
- How does working from home sound? You have the choice to work full time, part time or even in your spare time. That’s right pick your own hours
- As a Sparta Candle lover yourself you are able to sell our candles at the same price as we do
- You will receive 25% commission on all sales before taxes
- You are able to have home parties, book parties the possibilities are endless
- As a consultant you will have a full support team to help you along the way such as:
- -1-800 number to call us
- -you can email concerns
- -the fact that the store is open 7 days a week assures you that you won’t have to wait
Our Product:
- sells itself
- is well known worldwide
- we have a reputation of being dependable
- people can rest assured that you aren’t doing this alone but the store is here to back you up
- we stand behind our product 100%
Sherry McDermott Brantford, ON |
Jennifer Trudell Highgate, Ontario |
Tammie Schwartzentruber (NorthEast London) London, ON |
Loree Bailey Wallaceburg ON |
Tami Dixon Cambridge (also serving K-W/Guelph area) |
Pat Spurgeon K/W and Surrounding Area |